The current mood of Tabbyswrldd at Hi everybody! You've made it to the main portion of my site, my journal! Please note the warning in the first post and stay safe ♡




Welcome to my little corner of the web! I would just like to specify that I may talk about serious topics in these posts. If you know that you are easily affected by things like that please don't read ahead, please do not cause drama because of anything said here because you didnt read this warning. Anyways, this is just my space to write about whatever the hell I want. I used a template because I am NOT code savvy and I really just wanted a more customizable space to write things that I don't want people on my normal socials to read. Please enjoy my site even though it is still a huge WIP!


11:26 am

Hey guys it's been a little while, I'm currently in my third class of the day and im already tired. I have nothing better to do though so i guess ill update this! I feel sorta bad for my best friend that I talked about like 2 entries ago. Her girlfriend is pushing the limit for me right now and I don't know what to say to her to get her to realize that this isn't a healthy relationship that she's in and the things that she is putting up with aren't normal. She talks to me all the time about how she's so possesive and how she really can't do anything and how she's so clingy yadayada and I think that she thinks that just because she's getting attention that it's good attention which isn't true at all! She also said that she "put too much time and effort into this relationship" to let it go which is just the PINICLE of sunk cost fallacy. Note; FALLACY. I'm considering what I can do to get her to realize that this needs to stop and that the good doesn't always outweigh the bad and also that she needs to realize her value. Maybe i'm just trying to get my best friend back or something. I feel selfish trying to split them up even though I know its necessary. I also think that maybe she's just doing it to get away from her house because her at home life isn't the best.


10:12 PM

I was so insanely sick yesterday like throwing up, nauseous, headache, throat pain, cold sweats, everything, and it happened the DAYY I was supposed to go back to school. I have so much work to catch up on since I stayed home today too since i'm still a little sick and i'm already stressed out about it. Not to mention the test I have to do for my AP Calc class tomorrow. I haven't even studied for that. Everything is piling up so quick and I feel like shit. Atleast I'm getting back into some of my interests like Persona 3. Since I can go on my console now I can finish the DLC that i've had for like forever. Wish me luck with submitting these 10 assignments by 11:59!


5:37 pm

Today I watched a movie with my dad and went to the store, it was a pretty normal day except for the fact I have to pack soon for my flight tomorrow. On another note I feel like i'm losing my friend to her girlfriend and I can't help but feel jealous over it. Her girlfriend is just so possesive over her and maybe I don't get it because i'm not in a relationship right now but I feel that it's unhealthy. I think i'm just going to try to leave her alone right now, her and her girlfriend will probably be happier that way. Whatever i'm just going to nap until dinner time.


12:05 am

I feel sorta like an imposter compared to all the coders on here who made their own stuff but I also feel like I just want to start doing stuff now instead of having a fully fledged site before I begin posting. Maybe it's better to work from the ground up instead of templates because it'll give me more experience? I already sorta customized this page to be My Melody themed because I like that better than the dog one, I think that's enough for today though. I feel like I got a lot of stuff done even thought it doesn't really show on the front page. Saturday when I fly back home i'll probably work on coding on the plane just to see if I can customize the font page then. I think i'm going to ask my dad for some cherry pie even though its like 1 am.
